Home Products Pheromones and trap systems

Super Cocid

Trap for the monitoring of Scale insects


Trap for the capture and monitoring of scale insects. Roof-shaped, it exploits the characteristic of scale insects of having an ascending type of flight. It is used with the specific pheromone and has proven to be extremely effective for the capture of Aonidiella aurantii, Planococcus citri, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona, Comstockaspis perniciosa and other scale insects.



Capturing and monitoring of scale insects. The traps must be positioned with the aid of a plastic lace and needs to be parallel to the ground to obtain the best effectiveness. Normally 3-4 traps/ha are used.



3 roof-shaped glued panels, 3 pheromone dispensers, 3 plastic laces and 3 wires for hanging the pheromones.



Box of 34 pcs


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