Home Products Pheromones and trap systems

Dacus Track/Plus

Traps for catching Dacus oleae


Traps with a glued yellow chromotropic panel baited with pheromone for the capture of Dacus oleae, the olive fruit fly. Ideal for the monitoring and capturing of a large number of individuals. The attractive power is given by the combination between the yellow panel and the sexual pheromone which, combined with the specific attractant, can also be used for the capture of Ceratitis Capitata or Rhagoletis cerasi.



Capture and monitoring of Dacus oleae. Do not set traps on edges to avoid the catching of insects from nearby plots. For an "enhanced" capture, place 15-20 traps/ha evenly, respecting the distances from the edges. The difference between Dacus Track and Dacus Track Plus consists in the duration of the specific pheromone: Dacus Track is effective for 5-6 weeks, while the Plus version for 8-9 weeks.



Dacus Track: 2 glued yellow chromotropic panels, 2 pheromones, 2 iron wires and two wires for hanging the pheromones.

Dacus Track Plus: 4 glued yellow chromotropic panels, 2 long-lasting pheromones, 2 iron wires and 2 wires for hanging the pheromones.



Box of 34 pcs


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